
Who is Dr. Rolf?

Ida Rolf

Ida Rolf


"Gravity is the Therapist" 

-Ida Rolf


Structural Integration is the name given to the work developed by Dr. Ida Rolf.  After earning her Ph.D. in biochemistry she did extensive study of osteopathy, chiropractic medicine, yoga, the Alexander technique and Korzybski’s work on the states of consciousness. It was Dr. Rolfs theory that the cause of human discomfort lies in our connective tissue and the relationship it has with the field of gravity.  She believed that when trauma occurs it alters the posture and movement patterns throughout the body and creates strain in our system and imbalance in the body's relationship to gravity.  

fascia system (connective tissue)

fascia system (connective tissue)

Dr. Rolf Working

Dr. Rolf Working


"You can't get beyond the body unless you free the body itself"

-Ida Rolf



To address the strain patterns and imbalance caused by trauma or inherent structural imbalance, Dr. Rolf developed a holistic system of connective tissue manipulation. She called her work Structural Integration as is known for it’s unique ability reorganize the whole body in relation to gravity improving form and function and creating conditions under which the body can heal itself spontaniously. A sense of ease and effortless interaction between oneself and gravity is at the core of Structural Integration, and is a key factor in the transformation it can bring about within the client.

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Many people search for decades for an answer to chronic pain. They try everything from traditional medicine to surgery and acupuncture, and in the end they find lasting freedom from pain in Structural Integration. don't wait another decade to feel free. 

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